On Christmas Eve, Romanian villages teem with carolers who keep a tradition that is older than Christian faith itself. These songs of year end, carols, tell stories about the lives of the people from this side of the world, about their wishes and dreams.
They either refer to Nativity, or offer health and prosperity, or provide detailed descriptions of natural elements. Prepared to be launched at the end of 2018, the album and the show Carols gather old carols, full of wisdom, a music profound and refined by millennia. Oana Cătălina Chițu joins Serbian accordionist Dejan Jovanovic, Moldavian cimbalom player Valeriu Cașcaval and Greek drum player Dimitris Christides to create a fine but rich music fabric that will definitely compliment the special melody of the carols.
The album will be a contemporary musical adaptation of old songs, a jazzy vocal performance, full of warmth, festive. The carols of Oana Cătălina Chițu are reborn today, sometimes after years and years of hiding, refashioned, resplendent. And, if you close your eyes when you listen to them, it will be quite easy to imagine snow-ridden villages full of poetry, white smoke swirling from their chimneys, streets teeming with carefree children, riding their sleighs through the crisp snow. It is an album of nostalgia and hope, a little music gem.